Monday, October 27, 2008

Soldier's Home

As usual, watch the video and then comment on the video and the short story.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading the story, but this video is just a bunch of kids not appreciating the literature. They twisted it and made more perverted then needed.

Anonymous said...

The video had absolutely no relation to Soldier's Home. It was perverted and gauche. The story of the Soldier's Home boring. I have to admit it was better than the video.

Anonymous said...

Courtney Mason left second comment. Nov. 6th

Anonymous said...

What in the world? This video was pointless. Courtney was right, 8 minutes of my time went down the drain. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

I felt the video to be very insightful. It added so much to the story that couldn't be expressed with words. This video deserves an Oscar nomination at least.

Of course I am kidding. I kind of felt depressed while reading "A Soldiers Home". It leaves the feeling that his life sucks now because things change so much in the army.

Bob Harrison said...

I am relieved that everyone has hated the video.

Anonymous said...

Yes well the video was quite interesting. I agree with Jimmy that the story it self was somewhat depressing but the video does nothing for it. I was seriously laughing at it the entire time.
