Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Picture Poem

Suppose that a noted poet has created a 10 line poem about the tree in this picture. Speculate about the title of the poem and its content.


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R.D.Network said...

Wings in the air

As a woman
you open your arms,
dancing in the wind,
as wings in the air.
You hikes toward the sun,
You deliveries to life.
Your dense foliage
are wings in the air.

By me.

Greetings from Argentina.

RoB Dangal TV

Bob Harrison said...

Danny G.-- thanks for stopping by. Very evocative poem.

Anonymous said...

I think the tree looks like a women dancing. The poem might be called epiphany...yeh I just got that word from the "Rose for Emliy "lecture post,but I think it could be fitting. The content....could be anything!

Anonymous said...

The tree is a woman letting go of all her fears of life. She feels that life is free and she can do what she wants to do with her life. The tree shows that she fears nothing and she is open to society. I would think of a title for it to be Nature Woman.

Anonymous said...

That tree definately resembles a woman dancing... or prasing the sun. Since I'm not very creative, it's hard for me to think of a title for a poem about this picture. Perhaps it could be called "Spring Ballet" or even "Morning Prelude". I think the poet would write about nature, the sun, or dancing. Yeah.

OR MAYBE, the poet would convey the idea that the woman is wishing to reach the heavens, but is bound to earth by her roots. So she reaches out, yearning to touch the sun. This poem could be called "Reach" or "Earthly Ties". I don't know.

That's my input.

Anonymous said...

When I look at this picture I see a woman who is reaching for the freedom from the norm in society that surrounds her. She is reaching up towards the sky in hopes that God or something will pull her from her rooted suppression. It is not so much a picture of celebration or happiness as it is a picture of hope in the midst of impossiblities.
I think I would title the poem "The Impossible".

-Jimmy R-

Anonymous said...

I definitely see the tree as a woman dancing, a ballet perhaps. The poem could be titled Center Stage (great movie) because the tree looks as if it wants everyone's attention. The poem could be about the struggle that it took this woman/tree to get to the magnificence that it now is.
